IDEA-TRUNQ ストックアイデアショップ
This is a members-only online store for ideas that have not yet been put to use, that is, ideas that are waiting to be produced, born from daily brainstorming sessions. You can download idea sketches and other materials for free. " This service is for people who have problems such as "I don't have time to think of ideas" or "I can't come up with good ideas"
Please note that only people who know each other are allowed to browse the site. A password is required to view the site.
*member only
Please note that only people who know each other are allowed to browse the site. A password is required to view the site.
*member only
日頃からブレストを行う中で生まれる、やり場のないアイデア、いわば「制作待ちアイデア」の会員制オンラインショップ。 アイデアスケッチなどの資料は無料でダウンロード可能。「アイデアを考える時間がない」「良いアイデアがなかなか思い浮かばない」などでお悩みの皆さま向けのサービスです。

HOJOSEN 出張ブレストサービス
This is a brainstorming service that provides the idea generation process itself. (Online)
In this service, you can get a clue to the solution of a problem that you have been unable to think of within your own company by crossing each other's ideas.
You can experience the moment when a single auxiliary line can change the view, which is also the philosophy of the Production Office.
Please let us know in advance what you would like to discuss, and a member will join the brainstorming session accordingly.
(Participating members: Takahashi Misaki + staff in specialized fields as needed)
In this service, you can get a clue to the solution of a problem that you have been unable to think of within your own company by crossing each other's ideas.
You can experience the moment when a single auxiliary line can change the view, which is also the philosophy of the Production Office.
Please let us know in advance what you would like to discuss, and a member will join the brainstorming session accordingly.
(Participating members: Takahashi Misaki + staff in specialized fields as needed)
自社内だけでは考え方が膠着してしまう課題に対して、お互いのアイデアを掛け合わせながら、解決への糸口を得ることが可能です。 制作室の理念にも通じる、1本の補助線が見える景色を変える瞬間を体験いただけます。
(参加メンバー:髙橋美沙紀 + 必要に応じて専門分野スタッフ)
自社内だけでは考え方が膠着してしまう課題に対して、お互いのアイデアを掛け合わせながら、解決への糸口を得ることが可能です。 制作室の理念にも通じる、1本の補助線が見える景色を変える瞬間を体験いただけます。
(参加メンバー:髙橋美沙紀 + 必要に応じて専門分野スタッフ)

ー Planning and design of catalogs, pamphlets, flyers, and direct mail
ー Planning and design of posters, magazines, and newspaper advertisements
ー Planning and design of product packages
ー Naming proposals
ー Planning and design of company brochures, school brochures, etc.
ー Planning and design of POP, signboards, etc.
ー Web site planning and design
ー Planning and design of events and their equipment
ー Branding proposals
ー Others
ー Planning and design of posters, magazines, and newspaper advertisements
ー Planning and design of product packages
ー Naming proposals
ー Planning and design of company brochures, school brochures, etc.
ー Planning and design of POP, signboards, etc.
ー Web site planning and design
ー Planning and design of events and their equipment
ー Branding proposals
ー Others
→ WORK *
* A password is required to view the site. If you would like to receive a password, please contact us.

We are fortunate to have a strong network of experts in their respective fields. By assembling the best team for each project, we are able to achieve higher performance.


The DESIGN Dept. Next Door となりの制作室
This service allows you to experience "your company's design department".
In-person version, "The DESIGN Dept." in a car will come to your company's location.
We meet your needs such as"We would like you to work close to our company for a certain period of time until the project is completed." or "I would like to hold meetings or brainstorming sessions in an open-air environment to stimulate discussion."
The online version is a system that allows you to share office space by connecting the "The DESIGN Dept." and your company online at all times using an app, webcam, or tablet. It is as easy as going to another department in the company for consultation, We can satisfy such needs as "I want to call on you immediately when I have a problem or need your advice."
* to be provided in the future Only in Japan
In-person version, "The DESIGN Dept." in a car will come to your company's location.
We meet your needs such as"We would like you to work close to our company for a certain period of time until the project is completed." or "I would like to hold meetings or brainstorming sessions in an open-air environment to stimulate discussion."
The online version is a system that allows you to share office space by connecting the "The DESIGN Dept." and your company online at all times using an app, webcam, or tablet. It is as easy as going to another department in the company for consultation, We can satisfy such needs as "I want to call on you immediately when I have a problem or need your advice."
* to be provided in the future Only in Japan
より 「あなたの会社の制作室」 を、実感いただけるサービスです。(対面/オンライン)
対面版では、オフィスカーによる移動式 「制作室」 が、貴社の近くまでまいります。「プロジェクト終了までの一定期間、自社の近くで仕事をしてほしい。」「意見の活性化のため開放的な屋外で会議やブレストをしたい。」 などの声にお応えします。
オンライン版は、アプリやウェブカメラ・タブレットを用いて、「制作室」と貴社を常時オンライン接続し、オフィス空間を共有するシステムです。社内の別部署にふらっと相談に行くような気軽さで、「困った時にすぐ声をかけたい、アドバイスをもらいたい。」 などのニーズを満たします。
※今後提供予定 日本国内のみ
対面版では、オフィスカーによる移動式 「制作室」 が、貴社の近くまでまいります。「プロジェクト終了までの一定期間、自社の近くで仕事をしてほしい。」「意見の活性化のため開放的な屋外で会議やブレストをしたい。」 などの声にお応えします。
オンライン版は、アプリやウェブカメラ・タブレットを用いて、「制作室」と貴社を常時オンライン接続し、オフィス空間を共有するシステムです。社内の別部署にふらっと相談に行くような気軽さで、「困った時にすぐ声をかけたい、アドバイスをもらいたい。」 などのニーズを満たします。
※今後提供予定 日本国内のみ